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Compliance and ethics

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At Mutualidad we are strongly committed to regulatory compliance, not only as a legal obligation, but also as part of our ethical commitment to our stakeholders.

Integrity and transparency are transversal values in all actions and decisions of Mutualidad.

Code Ethical Code of Conduct

The Code of Ethics and Conduct of Mutualidad is our basic standard, on which we build our organisational culture and our culture of compliance.

Letter from the president
Committee on ethics for artificial intelligence

AI is becoming increasingly ubiquitous at Mutualidad, becoming one of the most sophisticated, precise and necessary transversal elements of the organisation used for interacting with our members and making decisions. It is therefore our duty to endow AI with our values and ethical principles.

To ensure the latter, we set up the Ethics Committee for Artificial Intelligence (CEIA)in 2019. Its mission is to oversee the uses and monitor the impacts of artificial intelligence, ensuring that the collection, hosting and use of data is done in an ethical, transparent and democratic manner.



Whistle-blowing channel

The Mutualidad Group maintains a strong commitment to compliance
regulations in all its areas of Government, Management and activity, and from
This commitment has implemented an internal information system to
detect and avoid infractions, criminal conduct or security practices

As an elementary part of said system, the Mutualidad Group provides
its internal information channel available to anyone, so that
can communicate confidentially and anonymously, if desired, actions
or omissions that may constitute external regulatory violations (of the
European Union law, criminal or administrative with the qualification
serious or very serious) or internal (of the Code of Ethics, policies and

The internal information system securely guarantees the
confidentiality of the identity of the informant and any other person
mentioned in the communication, of the actions that are developed in the
management and processing thereof.

The Mutuality Group will not allow any type of retaliation to be adopted
against informants in good faith who communicate information through
of this channel, in compliance with the guarantees and legal rights of the
informant. Likewise, the informant may communicate any action or
omission of those indicated above directly or after
through the external channel to be established by the Independent Authority
of Informant Protection or other autonomous organizations.

Once the communication of the facts is admitted for processing, it will be carried out
an investigation under the strictest confidentiality and if
signs of crime, they will be brought to the attention of the
competent authorities.

This mechanism is not intended to formulate queries, complaints or claims related to your rights and interests legally.
recognized by their status as policyholder, insured or beneficiary. This
type of requirements must be made through the following link.

Complaints and incidents

If there is an action or decision of Mutualidad about which you are dissatisfied, you can contact us through the following mechanisms so that we can help you:

You may send your request for clarification or consultation by writing to the aforementioned service at c/ Francisco Silvela, 106-28002, Madrid (España), by e-mail to buzon@mutualidad.com, or by using the following form:

    If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, the Mutualidad has a Complaints and Policyholder Service Department, whose purpose is to process and resolve claims and complaints from policyholders, in accordance with Order ECO/734/2004 of 11 March 2004 and its own Regulations for the defence and protection of policyholders. For this purpose, we indicate the procedure to be followed.

    Once your request has been received, the Mutualidad will verify that it has followed the appropriate channel for processing and, if not, will redirect it to the corresponding Department so that your request can be processed with all the legally established guarantees.

    Are you a member of Mutualidad?

    Download our app and you will be able to access your personal space where you carry out all your business.