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At Mutualidad we are aware that we are at a historic moment full of changes. In this new context, the collaboration of all is necessary to face the social and environmental challenges. We know that together we can go further, creating more progress and fairer, more inclusive societies.

At Mutualidad we want to take care of the future of our members and of society, in everything that really counts.

We are therefore building our commitment to environmental, social and governance issues into our culture and strategy. Our aim is to protect what is important to people, accompanying them in their different moments of life and generating a positive impact on the community.

Environmental dimension

Caring for people’s future means caring for the planet we live on in the present. Mutualidad’s commitment to the environment is articulated through a strategy that addresses the main impacts of its activity on the environment and the investment strategy.

of our electricity comes from renewable energy sources.
reduction in our carbon footprint since 2017.
of our carbon footprint neutralised through reforestation projects.
properties in our portfolio have obtained BREEAM® certification.

Social dimension

People are at the heart of Mutualidad’s business model. Taking care of the life cycles of our members, caring for the team of professionals, good relations with suppliers and collaborators, as well as contributing to the development of the community are some of the company’s priorities.

We develop different initiatives in the field of financial education, talent and legal entrepreneurship, ageing and the challenge of the new longevity, social action, quality employment or the well-being of the human team, among many others.

Dimension governance

At Mutualidad we integrate best practices in corporate governance, risk management and transparency into our management. We are aware that the achievement of strategic objectives must always be compatible with rigorous ethical management and regulatory compliance.

Strategic Sustainability Plan  

The Strategic Sustainability Plan 2023-2027, Activistas de lo Mutuo, constitutes Mutualidad’s roadmap in environmental, social and governance matters and is aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Furthermore, it has been prepared thanks to an important effort of listening to the company’s different interest groups (mutual members, employees, suppliers, bar associations, third sector, media, etc.).

The Plan is structured around four axes of action: Environment, Social, Responsible Business and Good Government.

Contribution to the SDGs

At Mutualidad we have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), approved by the UN in September 2015, into our sustainability strategy, to which we can make a greater contribution.

The SDGs are an international call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve people’s lives.

Priority Sustainable Development Goals for Mutualidad:

Sustainability Report

We publish our annual Sustainability and Non-Financial Reporting Report. This document includes the main indicators of our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance that are of interest to our stakeholders.

Fundación Mutualidad

Fundación Mutualidad, created in 2003 by Mutualidad, has the mission to bring more value to its members and to society through different projects in the field of financial education and savings culture, legal talent, ageing and the new longevity and social action.


Partnerships and commitments

At Mutualidad we want to advance along the path of sustainability together with recognised entities, promoting spaces for collaboration, knowledge and exchange of good practices. We have voluntarily joined and actively participate in leading international and national initiatives.

In addition, we have established partnerships with the following initiatives:

In addition, Mutualidad has developed the following commitments in areas that have a special impact on the most vulnerable groups.

Soy Senior Commitments
Decalogue on responsible business communication

Commitments of Mutualidad in Sustainable Events

Mutualidad is committed to applying its principles of sustainable event management, in accordance with ISO 20121:2013 and in line with its ESG strategy, which promotes the integration of environmental, social, and good governance (ESG) criteria into the organization’s daily operations. In this regard, the company aims to promote and raise awareness about the importance of the environmental and social impact of events among its key stakeholders.


Contact form

To send suggestions on ESG/sustainability issues, our stakeholders can fill in the following form:

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